Werner Rauh in Peru

With Pamela Koide Hyatt
Tuesday, January 16, 2024 – 7:00 pm Pacific Time (California)

Members and visitors can attend in person in San Francisco,
or register/join the meeting in progress on Zoom.

Program Description

During a recent presentation to a Bromeliad Society group Pam mentioned the name of the late Professor Werner Rauh. Someone in the audience asked “who is that?” This came as a surprise to her, as she always considered him the godfather of bromeliads. So it seemed like a fitting time to present a new program about his life and important botanical work, with over 36 plant expeditions, many of them focused on bromeliads and cacti in South America, and on the succulent flora of Madagascar.

This presentation has two parts. During the first part Pam will discuss the work of Wener Rauh – his books, travels and plant discoveries as documented in the Werner Rauh Heritage Project.  The second part will discuss some of her experiences of traveling with him in Peru for nearly one month in 1988. Here we will see many bromeliads and cactus in habitat. She has updated this presentation to include both Bromeliads and Cactus and some more recent images from a trip to Peru in 2019.

Since starting her nursery Bird Rock Tropicals in 1981, Pam has traveled extensively throughout Mexico, Central and South America, focusing on the genus Tillandsia. These so-called “air plants” are the largest group in the Bromeliad Family. During her travels she has discovered more than a dozen species new to science as well as many natural hybrids. She grows plants from seed and does hybridizing, with some of her creations receiving prestigious awards. In addition, she is very active with the Bromeliad Society and is a frequent speaker at bromeliad conferences and at plant societies, both in the U.S. and abroad. In 2017, Pam began collaborating with Jeff Chemnick, owner of Mexico Nature Tours, to co-lead EcoTours in Mexico to see bromeliads (especially Tillandsias) in habitat.

Show & tell table: Tillandsia on the succulent side, and Peruvian cacti on the cactus side (in a nod to Pam's travels in Peru with Werner Rauh). You may not have a Neoraimondia in your collection, but perhaps you have a Matucana or an Oroya or an Espostoa.

OR - anything else looking good.

Featured grower: Pamela will bring a selection of very special plants from her nursery.

Snack table:, There will be a shared spread, but we suggest bringing something every couple of months if you partake regularly. As a thought, we are often short on drinks. 

Covid precautions: Vaccination recommended. We will keep doors open to ensure adequate ventilation. This can make the room a bit chilly, so dress appropriately.

Meeting Agenda

7:00 Mingling and announcements
7:30 Formal presentation starts promptly with Society business
7:35 Show and Tell Table
7:50 Leg stretch
7:55 Featured presentation

Watch Online

On Zoom: Register or join the meeting in progress.

Or watch the simulcast on our Facebook page: http://fb.me/sfsucculent

Upcoming Events

Meetings usually on the third Tuesday each month

  • February 3, 2024 – Seed of Connection – Community Day at the Ruth Bancroft Garden
  • February 20, 2024 – Brian Kemble – Sonora
  • March 9 – NARGS – Speakers – Adam Harrower, Karel Du Toit. More info TBD
  • March 19, 2024 – TBD
  • April 16, 2024 – Jeff Moore – Author of several books on succulents
    “Succulent Gardens of California”
  • May 21, 2024 – TBD
  • June 14-16 2024 – SFSCS Annual Show and Sale
    Multiple programs will be streamed live from the event.
  • June 18, 2024 – No Meeting