About Us

San Francisco Succulent & Cactus Society, Inc. (SFSCS) is a non-profit educational organization promoting the study and cultivation of succulents, cacti and other xerophytic plants.

The SFSCS meets regularly on the third Tuesday of each month at 7:00 pm in Golden Gate Park at the County Fair Building (Hall of Flowers) at 9th and Lincoln in San Francisco. The general monthly meetings feature educational lectures and displays of plants.

Every June, SFSCS holds it’s Annual Show & Sale featuring a plant display of amazing succulent plants and cacti. A large sales area has thousands of unusual, hard-to-find succulents, cacti, bromeliads, and pottery available for purchase by collectors and enthusiasts.

For our members, the society arranges and subsidizes field trips to local botanical gardens and nurseries once or twice a year.

If you are interested to learn more about our society, and share our love of plants, we welcome you to join us at our next meeting.

View the 2018 Budget