With J.D Wikert
Tuesday, March 21, 2023 – 7:00 pm Pacific Time (California)

NOTE: Members and visitors can attend in person in San Francisco, or watch on Zoom.
Program Description
Our speaker this month will be J.D. Wikert. He will be speaking on the succulents of the genus Senecio (including updated taxonomic revisions). This large genus in the Asteraceae, or Daisy Family, contains a wealth of widely cultivated succulents. The presentation will include information regarding taxonomy, distribution, cultivation, and propagation as well as providing pictures of many of the more readily available species.
J.D. is a fisheries biologist with the US Fish and Wildlife Service working on restoration of habitat for salmon in the Central Valley and lives in Lodi, California. He has been actively propagating succulent plants for 15+ years. He is a self-trained succulent hobbyist and usually has more than 100 flats of plants in his back (and side) yards. He has figured out how to kill many succulent species and mostly grows the ones he can keep alive. He is a member of both the Sacramento and Stockton Cactus and Succulent Societies, and is currently trying to resuscitate the Stockton Cactus and Succulent Society as President after a long Covid hiatus.
For the show and tell table this month, Senecio (including Curio and Othonna), Stenocactus.
Featured Grower: Our speaker will have plants available.
Snack table: Snacks are back! It works on the honor system – we suggest bringing something to share every couple of months if you partake regularly. Please clean up what you brought at the end of the night.
Dress to stay warm: We will keep doors open to ensure adequate ventilation.
Watch Online
On Zoom: Register or join the meeting in progress.
Or watch the simulcast on our Facebook page: http://fb.me/sfsucculent
Meeting Agenda
7:00 Mingling and announcements
7:30 Formal presentation starts promptly with Society business
7:35 Show and Tell Table
7:50 Leg stretch
7:55 Featured presentation
Upcoming Events
- Meetings on the third Tuesday each month. On April 18 Andy Siekkinen will give us An Overview of Terrestrial Bromeliads, and on May 16 we will feature a talk on Baja Island Rarities by Peter Breslin.
- MesembsVirtually quarterly Zoom lectures: Brian Kemble talking about Mesembs at the Ruth Bancroft Garden – Sunday April 16, 2023 at 11am. Check your March newsletter for login info, or check this site the day of the event.
- Annual Show and Sale – June 16-18, 2023
- Miss our annual field trips? Want to help us plan one? Get in touch.