An exciting adventure on the highest plateau on earth: the Bolivian Altiplano

By Guillermo Rivera
Tuesday, November 20, 7:00 pm

The presentation will focus on Cactaceae (Lobivia, Rebutia, Sulcorebutia, Trichocereus, etc.), but will also show other interesting flora and fauna along with an incredible culture. Also featured will be a visit to the largest salt flats in the world (visible from the moon): Uyuni Salt Flat, with “islands” full of cacti. Because of the high altitude, travelers to this area often need a couple of days to adjust to the thinner atmosphere.

Guillermo Rivera was born in Argentina and he is the owner of PLANT EXPEDITIONS (formerly called South America Nature Tours), a company dedicated to the organization of tours for the last 17 years, throughout South America (Chile, Argentina, Brazil, Peru, Colombia, Bolivia, Ecuador), Mexico, South Africa, Madagascar, and Namibia.

All Guillermo’s trips are focused on plants: bromeliads, orchids, cacti, and other succulents. He is a former researcher at the University of Cordoba, Argentina, with a PhD in botany.

Next year he is planning plant adventures to the following countries: Ecuador, Namibia, Brazil, South Africa, Peru, Argentina-Chile. If you wish to be kept informed about future trips, please send an email to Guillermo: or

Or visit his website:

The Featured grower will be Solomon, who specializes in mesembs.

What to bring:

For this month’s Show & Tell table, we will feature barrel cacti (Ferocactus & Echinocactus) on the cactus side, and Haworthia on the succulent side, and anything else looking good to share.

Please bring baked goodies, fruit, snack food or a beverage if your last name begins with the letters C to H, and any other members who would like to contribute this month.

Meeting Location:

Auditorium in the San Francisco County Fair Building, 1199 9th Ave (at Lincoln Way), San Francisco — MAP