MesembsVirtually – “Namaqualand in My Garden” – Russell Wagner

Saturday, January 2, 2020 – 11:30 am Pacific Time, 7:30 pm UK Time



Russell Wagner’s greenhouse. Click to zoom

SPECIAL SATURDAY EVENT – MesembsVirtually is a quarterly Zoom lecture series sponsored by the Mesemb Study Group, Manchester BCSS and the San Francisco Succulent & Cactus Society.

Russell Wagner

Russell Wagner


Namaqualand in my Garden: A live tour of a mesemb greenhouse in Oakland, California.

Russell Wagner is a former editor of the Cactus and Succulent Journal, and founder of the Little Sphaeroid Press. A disciple of Steven Hammer, who first carried him to South Africa in 2003, Russell has made numerous visits to study mesembs and bulbs in habitat. 

An open Q&A discussion with Russel Wagner and MSG Chairman Terry Smale will follow the main presentation.

This is a fantastic chance to get your cultivation and Aizoaceae ID questions answered. If you aren’t familiar with the growing guides Terry has written, do yourself a favor and check out his website. Some of the best growers in the world have learned from him.

Russell Wagner’s greenhouse. Click to zoom


Join Zoom Meeting…
Meeting ID: 869 2948 7196
Password: mesemb

If the Zoom meeting fills up or you cant get it to work, we will simulcast on Facebook live on our page at:

Upcoming Events

  • January 19: Bob Webb (Arid Lands, Sansevieria Society) on Rethinking Sansevieria
  • April 10th: MesembsVirtually, Speaker TBD
Mesembs in the greenhouse
A wide variety of mesembs growing at Russell Wagner’s greenhouse.