SFSCS History: 40th Anniversary Community Discussion

With Jon Schwark, and those who were there to experience it
Tuesday, October 15, 2024 – 7:00 pm Pacific Time (California)

Members and visitors can attend in person in San Francisco,
or register or join the meeting in progress on Zoom.

Program Description

After a disagreement over society policies at a meeting of the venerable Cactus and Succulent Society of California, Inc.– unofficially known as the “Oakland Club” – in April 1984, a group of conservation activists and plant show enthusiasts decided to form a new club in San Francisco. It took months of preparation, but by October 1984, the San Francisco Succulent and Cactus Society bylaws had been written, and members were going on field trips together and taking turns holding gatherings in their homes. In April 1985, the first issue of our newsletter was published and regular meetings began at the County Fair Building.

This month marks 40 years since those first bylaws were ratified, so our program will look back at the cast of characters that have come and gone over the years, note some truly impressive accomplishments of our members, and chart some of the milestones of our history. These include running the cactus and succulent section of the San Francisco Flower Show, starting our own annual event, cooperation on the NorCal events, and hosting a CSSA convention in 1993. It’s amazing how active the Society was, partnering with local institutions and running ambitious volunteer and propagation programs. We will focus on the period before 2010, and include some of the history of the Oakland club as well.

This will be a very different type of presentation than we are used to, with active participation by people who were there, some deep dives into old newsletters, and a few surprise guests. 

Anyone who has been an officer, board member, or key volunteer of the Society will be welcome to speak briefly about their involvement when we reach the relevant period. You can participate as part of a live panel, speak to the club via Zoom, or send Jon an email with any relevant comments.

About our Speaker

Jon Schwark has been the president of the SFSCS since 2018. He’s originally from Kansas City, and his fascination with succulents began with a jade plant his grandparents brought back from wintering in Texas in the early 1970s. He started collecting them after moving to the Bay Area in the 90s, and became much more interested in the scientific side of the hobby in 2015, joining the SFSCS in 2016.

Show & tell table: Crassula on the succulent side, and Ariocarpus on the cactus side plus anything else that’s looking good or in flower.

Featured grower: Desert Wonders

Snack table:, There will be a shared spread, but we suggest bringing something every couple of months if you partake regularly. As a thought, we are often short on drinks.

Covid precautions: We will keep doors open to ensure adequate ventilation. This can make the room a bit chilly, so dress appropriately.

Meeting Agenda

7:00 Mingling and announcements
7:30 Formal presentation starts promptly with Society business
7:35 Show and Tell Table
7:50 Leg stretch
7:55 Featured presentation

Watch Online

On Zoom: Register or join the meeting in progress.

Facebook simulcasts are on hold due to issue with Facebook’s connection to Zoom. We may switch to Youtube eventually.

Upcoming Events

Monthly Volunteer Day at Gardens of Lake Merritt

Saturday, Oct 26, 2024 (and the last Saturday of every month)
10am – 2:30pm with a break for lunch at noon
666 Bellevue Ave, Oakland, CA

Learn succulent gardening techniques and help with the long-term transformation of the succulent displays at the garden. This is a perfect chance for people who live in the East Bay or who cant attend our regular meetings to participate in a society activity.

Contact Troy Stephens for info (contact info on last page of the newsletter), or just show up. Tell the parking attendant you are there to volunteer at the garden. Guests and non-members welcome.

Upcoming Meetings

Meetings always occur on the 3rd Tuesday of each month.

  • November – Speaker TBD. Meeting will feature succulent mini-pumpkin workshop. Come early to participate
  • December – Annual Solstice Party