With Jeremy Spath
Tuesday, November 21, 2023 – 7:00 pm Pacific Time (California)

Members and visitors can attend in person in San Francisco,
or register/join the meeting in progress on Zoom.
Program Description
When it comes to succulents, dudleyas are California’s crown jewels, found all along the coast as well as at numerous locations farther inland. They also extend northward into southern Oregon and southward down to the tip of Baja California, and even into dry desert areas of California and Arizona, but their greatest diversity is along the southern half of the California coast and the northern half of the west coast of Baja California. In this presentation, Jeremy will cover the whole genus in geographical order, with photos taken in habitat from the Oregon coast in the north down to southern Baja.
Jeremy has been studying the genus Dudleya for many years, making numerous expeditions to see and photograph plants in habitat. Along with co-authors Kelly Griffin and Jeff Moore, he is in the final stages of publishing a book on the subject, an important milestone in the literature on succulent plants. Jeremy has previously worked with Jeff to produce a beautifully illustrated book on agaves (Agaves – Species, Cultivars & Hybrids, published in 2021), and he has done much field work with that genus as well. He is a very accomplished hybridizer of agaves, and has a website focused on this: https://hiddenagave.com/
Show & tell table: In-person attendees are encouraged to bring Dudleya on the succulent side, and Astrophytum for cacti. And as always, we encourage you to bring any species that is looking good or in bloom. Featured grower: Jeremy Spath will bring a variety of plants, and Steve McCabe, another international expert on the genus, will be there with an assortment of seed grown Dudleyas. Snack table:, There will be a shared spread, but we suggest bringing something every couple of months if you partake regularly. As a thought, we are often short on drinks. Covid precautions: Vaccination recommended. We will keep doors open to ensure adequate ventilation. This can make the room a bit chilly, so dress appropriately.
Meeting Agenda
7:00 Mingling and announcements
7:30 Formal presentation starts promptly with Society business – Special and regular elections for society director and officer positions with expiring terms.
7:35 Show and Tell Table
7:50 Leg stretch
7:55 Featured presentation
Watch Online
On Zoom: Register or join the meeting in progress.
Or watch the simulcast on our Facebook page: http://fb.me/sfsucculent
Upcoming Events
Meetings usually on the third Tuesday each month
- December 19 meeting – Solstice Party (potluck with gift exchange)
- January 16 meeting- 2024, Pam Koide-Hyat on Peru
- April 2024 – Jeff Moore – Author of several books on succulents