Nature’s Geometry: Succulents

With Russel Ray
Tuesday, August 15, 2023 – 7:00 pm Pacific Time (California)

Members and visitors can attend in person in San Francisco,
or register/join the meeting in progress on Zoom.

Program Description

Russel uses the Fibonacci sequence of numbers to look at the shape of plants, the number of plant ribs, the number of spines in areoles, golden angles, phyllotaxis (the divergence angle), golden triangles, Fibonacci triangles, golden squares, golden rectangles, circles, fractals, and, most fascinating to him, golden spirals. He will bring to the meeting a selection of live succulents showing nature’s geometry and will have discounted copies for sale of his book, “Nature’s Geometry: Succulents” a soft-cover book with over 600 pictures in 174 pages.
Russel is from Kingsville, Texas, and he has lived in the San Diego area since 1993.

He has been self-employed his entire life, mostly as a “serial entrepreneur” specializing in getting companies through startup and growth phases. In 1973, he became fascinated with the Fibonacci sequence of numbers and how they are expressed in nature, and this interest culminated in his book and his presentation. He retired in 2017.

Show & tell table: Mammillaria and Echeveria, and anything else that is looking good.

Featured grower: Anthony Dodge, AKA @succielife

Snack table:, There will be a shared spread, but we suggest bringing something every couple of months if you partake regularly. As a thought, we are often short on drinks. 

Covid precautions: Vaccination recommended. We will keep doors open to ensure adequate ventilation. This can make the room a bit chilly so dress appropriately.

Meeting Agenda

7:00 Mingling and announcements
7:30 Formal presentation starts promptly with Society business
7:35 Show and Tell Table
7:50 Leg stretch
7:55 Featured presentation

Watch Online

On Zoom: Register or join the meeting in progress.

Or watch the simulcast on our Facebook page:

Upcoming Events

  • Meetings usually on the third Tuesday each month:
    • September 19 – Kelly Griffin on Namibia
    • October MesembsVirtually – TBD
    • October 17 – Tom Glavich
    • November 21- Jeremy Spath on Dudleya
    • .December 19 – Solstice Party (potluck with gift exchange)
    • January 16 – 2024, Pam Koide-Hyat on Peru
    • April 2024 – Jeff Moore