Cactus & Succulent Societies

The Cactus and Succulent Society of America (CSSA)

The Cactus and Succulent Society of America (CSSA), founded in 1929, is a worldwide community of avid gardeners, hobby and commercial horticulturists, nurserymen, and professional scientists who all share an appreciation for cacti and other types of succulent plants. Membership includes the bi-monthly, color-printed Cactus and Succulent Journal. Our society is an affiliate of CSSA.

Local and Northern California Societies

C&S Society of San Jose
Prusch Farm Park
647 South King Road
San Jose, CA
meetings: first Sunday, 12:30pm

Carmichael C&S Society
Carmichael Park Clubhouse
5750 Grant Avenue
Carmichael, CA
meetings: first Thursday, 10:00am

Central Coast C&S Society
SLO Public Library
995 Palm Street
San Luis Obispo, CA
meetings: second Sunday, 2:00pm

Fresno C&S Society
Senior Citizens’ Club
Deaf & Hard of Hearing Center
5340 N. Fresno Street
Fresno, CA
meetings: first Thursday, 7:30pm

Monterey Bay Area C&S Society
VFW Post #1716
1960 Freedom Boulevard
Freedom, CA
meetings: third Sunday, 12:30pm

Peninsula Succulent Club
San Mateo Garden Center
605 Parkside Way
San Mateo, CA
meetings: 12:30-3 pm, second Wednesday of the month, September-June

Sacramento C&S Society
Shepard Garden & Arts Center
3330 McKinley Boulevard
Sacramento, CA
meetings: fourth Monday, 7:00pm

San Francisco Epiphyllum Society
San Francisco County Fair Building
9th & Lincoln Avenue
Golden Gate Park
San Francisco, CA
meetings: first Thursday, 7:30pm

Stockton C&S Society
San Joaquin County Education Department Building
2707 Transworld Drive
Stockton, CA
meetings: fourth Thursday, 7:30pm

Additional Societies and Resources

Bromeliad Society of San Francisco

California Native Plant Society

The University and Jepson Herbaria